EmmaLee Miklosovic

I am currently the Director of Evangelization at St. John Paul II Parish in Carroll, Iowa. This is my first major role in ministry, though I have been involved in smaller ministries since I was in high school and eventually I decided to study Theology in order to serve the community around me.

I love to read and to “fangirl” (as they say) over books with my friends, or anyone who will listen. I love being around people, especially my friends and family. I love lakes and just being outside. And I hate peanut butter (this is a hard fact for some people to accept and I am very sorry if you find yourself in that position).

The Lord says in Isaiah 43:1 “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, and you are mine.” This speaks to me in a personal way because I have always been a perfectionist and when I fail I often let it define me. But the Lord continues to look past my failures and to call me by name and to claim me as His – no matter what.

Through my journey of faith I have learned that it is easy to fall and let ourselves stay there, but I have also known the great mercy of the Father and that He is always pursuing us no matter what – that He does not count the amount of times we fall but the amount of times we get back up. And he always chooses us.

My whole life I have struggled to accept the knowledge that the Lord is always here to love and care for me even when I feel insignificant. But when that truth took hold, and I learned that he sees me in my hardships, I realized I was not the only one suffering in this way and I felt called to help those around me know the love and acceptance that Christ offers to us.