Inspired by the heartfelt words of the Apostle Thomas, our podcast invites you to journey deeper into the heart of the Catholic faith: the Eucharist. A sacred mystery, YES! But the Eucharist is also a profound encounter with the boundless love of Christ—a love that transforms, heals, and unites us.

In each episode, we explore the beauty and depth of this great mystery, breaking it down in ways that are both enlightening and deeply personal. Whether you’re seeking to understand the Eucharist more fully or longing for a closer connection with Christ, this podcast offers insights, reflections, and inspiration to nourish your soul.

Come and discover the love that waits for you in the Eucharist. Let’s walk this journey of faith together and draw nearer to the One who gave everything for us.

Draw Near Draw Near

Source & Summit

In this final episode of My Lord and My God, we explore the meaning of the phrase, drawn from Church teaching, "The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Faith." What does this mean? Why is it important? In Scripture, Christ invites us to let Him abide in us; to cast our anxieties upon Him. We are reminded that it is only in Him that we have life in the fullest and truest sense. We also read that He will be with us even until the end of time, and He invites us to that great heavenly wedding feast when He receives His Bride, the Church! What does this all have to do with the Eucharist? Everything!

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Draw Near Draw Near

Catholic Calisthenics

What's with all the sitting, standing, and kneeling at a Catholic mass? What is the meaning behind the different postures, because there IS meaning. There is a reason, and that reason brings us deeper into prayer!

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Draw Near Draw Near

God is in the Mess… & the Mass

EmmaLee Miklosovic shares how God has called her out of perfectionism and loved her in her mess. That translates to her relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist: where he has pursued her heart as a romance. As LOVE himself.

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Eucharist, Conversion, Testimony Draw Near Eucharist, Conversion, Testimony Draw Near

The Sacrifice of Our Lives

In this episode we are joined by our friend, catholic speaker, author, filmmaker, founder of the Science of Sainthood, and host of the Art of Catholic podcast, Matthew Leonard. What was the journey from being a Protestant pastor's kid to receiving Christ in the Eucharist like for Matthew? We look at the central question of our show: "How has your encounter with Christ in the Eucharist changed your life?" The answer to this question has everything to do with how we build our lives; what we are centered on (or more accurately, WHO we are rooted in).

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Mass, Eucharist Draw Near Mass, Eucharist Draw Near

Behold the Lamb

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

In this episode, by looking at the Scriptural meaning and themes of "the lamb," we can better understand the gravity of the words we hear every mass... but perhaps have never truly heard.

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Testimony, Communion, Family Draw Near Testimony, Communion, Family Draw Near

I’ll See You in the Eucharist

In this episode we are joined by one of the people that makes My Lord and My God (and the Draw Near apostolate) possible: John Fitzsimmons! In his testimony we hear how the legacy of faith has been handed down from one generation to the next; how encountering Christ in the Eucharist shaped his childhood and fostered in him a desire for more as a new father. We also hear how prioritizing that encounter with Christ in the Eucharist has shaped his family and the impact it has had on his children (two of which we are blessed to call friends). Finally, we see what great fruit "dragging your kids to daily Mass" can bear as John shares how his son Jimmy (seminarian) and his daughter, Mary Kate (entering religious life), are deepening his own faith by sharing with him their own encounter with Christ in the Eucharist!

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Testimony, Conversion, Eucharist, Desire, Prayer Draw Near Testimony, Conversion, Eucharist, Desire, Prayer Draw Near

Her Answered Prayer

In this episode, we are so grateful to be joined by our good friend, Sonja Corbitt! Here, Sonja shares with us her powerfully stirring testimony about how God led her to the answer to her prayer and the longing of her heart: "Lord, I want to be closer to you!" As always, Sonja shares from the heart with passion. She shares her journey of falling in love with Jesus in and through the Scriptures and how that led her into the Catholic Church. Fred and Sonja also discuss the challenges and struggles they faced in making that journey toward the Eucharist; but, also how the sacrifice is worth it! Because in Christ, the deepest longing of our hearts can be found.

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Scripture, Passover Draw Near Scripture, Passover Draw Near

As You did in Egypt

St Augustine famously said, that in the Old Testament, the New Testament is concealed. And in the New Testament, the meaning of the Old Testament is revealed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that, "All sacred Scripture is but one book, and this one book is Christ (CCC 134). We hear the St John the Baptist and other New Testament writers refer to Christ as the "Lamb of God." But what does this mean? St Paul refers to Christ as our new Passover Lamb (1 Cor 5:7). but again, what is the significance of this passage? What profound truth was the apostle, inspired by the Holy Spirit, desiring to reveal to us? In this episode we look at the Passover (when Israel was freed from Egyptian bondage) found in Exodus 12, and what it reveals to us about our reception of Christ in the Eucharist.

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I AM the Bread of Life

Continuing our discussion from the episodes, Bread from Heaven and Feeding of the 5,000, in this episode we discuss the meaning of John 6 (particularly, the Bread of Life discourse). In this passage, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed." What does Jesus mean? Is this a metaphor? Does he mean to be taken literally? If so... what does it mean for us?

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testimony, guest, Father Auer Draw Near testimony, guest, Father Auer Draw Near

I was MADE to be a Priest

When God calls your heart, you answer. In this episode of My Lord and My God, Fr. Andrew Auer of St. Louis shares how through an invitation to attend weekly mass, God changed his heart. Father's encounter with Christ in the mass at 16 years old led him to leave sin and desire holiness, and it ultimately led him to the priesthood.

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Feeding the 5000

Serving as a "bridge" between our last episode, Bread from Heaven, and our discussion on the Bread of Life discourse (John 6); this week we take up the topic of the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. From the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Jesus multiplied the available food such that the crowd that was following him could "eat their fill." Yet, 12 baskets remained leftover. How is this possible? What was John trying to reveal to us about Jesus Christ? What is significant about the language the Gospel writer uses and what are the parallels that can be drawn? How does this miracle point ultimately to the Eucharist? Listen to find out!

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Bread from Heaven

Being a podcast on the Eucharist, we wanted to take up the OT account of the manna in the desert (Exodus 16). Referenced in the New Testament several times (especially in John 6). We will be devoting a few episodes to the "Bread of Life Discourse (John 6), but we wanted to first lay a good foundation and highlight some key passages in the book of Exodus, as well as the parallels that can be drawn in the New Testament and the way the reception of the "Bread from Heaven" should shape the way we live our lives.

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Your Heart is a Heaven for Him

In our show, we focus a lot on OUR encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. Yet, in communion, God desires not only that we encounter Him, but He also desires to encounter us! Not only does He dwell in us, but in the Eucharist, Christ becomes one with us! What are the implications of this profound mystery? How should it shape the way we live our lives and how we prepare our hearts for Mass? What does it reveal about God's great love for us?

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Draw Near Draw Near

My Baptist Friends Led Me to Priesthood

In this episode we are joined by the co-host of the Outcast Catholic podcast, Fr Travis Crotty. In this "testimony" episode, we root our discussion in one of the foundational questions for our show: How has your encounter with Christ in the Eucharist changed your life? What was it that helped him overcome difficulty in his teenage years, and inspired him take up the call to the priesthood? To dedicate his life to helping others to encounter Christ in the Eucharist? It all began with some Baptist friends challenging him for his Catholic faith. This pressure was actually a catalyst for conversion to a deeper faith rooted in, the Eucharist. So many can give in to the temptation to slip away from the Catholic faith when challenged. Fr Travis provides a great example of how to respond in these situations.

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Draw Near Draw Near

What is Liturgy?

In this episode we are joined by our friend Julie Storr, from Lectio the Liturgy! We discuss the meaning of the word, "liturgy," lectio devina, meditative prayer and especially the Mass! Catholics recognize the Mass as the highest form of public prayer in the Church, the Roman Missal as our official prayer book. The liturgy that we celebrate and the words that we hear, and pray in the Liturgy, even the simplest of words, are packed with meaning that can help us grow in our relationship with Christ and His Church. What better time than this Lent! Julie Storr offers us some guidance in how to prepare our hearts to encounter Christ in the Liturgy.

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Draw Near Draw Near

Lord, I am Not Worthy

In this episode, we reflect on the words of Jesus in John 6:25 - 70, and build on the foundation of God's own example of humility demonstrated in the Person of Jesus Christ (discussed in the previous episode). St Paul reminds us, "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus." With that, he roots this encouragement in the example of the Lord's own humility. What does humility have to do with the Eucharist? How do we become one with Christ in the Eucharist? How do we live a Eucharistic life of humility? What should this "Eucharistic life of humility" look like? Listen to find out!

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