
Confirmation Retreat
Fred and Kara will be leading a Confirmation retreat for Mater Dei Parish at BroomTree Retreat Center in Irene, SD.

Lenten Retreat
Fred will be one of the presenters helping to lead, Holy Ground: A Journey of Repentance and Renewal, a Lenten Retreat.
Take time to slow down, breathe deeply, and open your heart to God’s voice. Together, we’ll encounter His mercy, reflect on His call to repentance, and discover how to cultivate a life that bears fruit. Through prayer, reflection, and fellowship, let’s rediscover His love, embrace His invitation to renewal, and journey deeper into the heart of our loving father, who calls us by name.
Register here: https://materdeisc.org/

Parish Mission
Fred and Kara will be leading a parish mission at Holy Trinity Parish in Keota, IA. More details to come!

How to Share Your Faith with Anyone
Fred will be presenting, How to Share Your Faith with Anyone.
"Come and be part of a heartfelt workshop designed to help you share the Gospel with confidence and love. We’ll explore practical answers to life’s biggest questions, talk about how to share your faith in meaningful ways, and learn the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of evangelization. Let’s come together, encourage one another, and embrace our beautiful mission to bring Christ’s light to those around us!"
Register at: https://materdeisc.org/marian-retreat

Marriage Date Night
Fred will be presenting, Bound by Grace: Supporting Your Spouse in Life’s Hardships.
Join us for an evening of hope, faith, and connection as we explore how to support your spouse through challenging moments. Whether facing grief, mental illness, or a serious diagnosis, this presentation offers insights rooted in Catholic spirituality, Scripture, and the grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Discover practical ways to bring healing and unity into your relationship, guided by faith and love. Come be inspired to walk together through trials with grace, courage, and the unwavering light and love of Christ."
Register at: https://materdeisc.org/date-night

Marriage Date Night
Fred will be giving the talk, “Things I Didn't Really Know Before Marriage,” which invites Catholic couples to rediscover the beauty and sacredness of their vocation through practical insights and heartfelt reflection. Together, we'll explore how to navigate challenges with faith, deepen intimacy through meaningful communication, and embrace the joy of a Christ-centered marriage. Come and be inspired to prioritize your relationship, rekindle your connection, and live out your calling to love as God intends. Let this evening strengthen your bond and renew your commitment to each other and to Christ.

Draw Near Retreat: "A Future and a Hope"
Register for the November 16th Draw Near Retreat!

My Lord and My God: Eucharistic Retreat
Unable to attend the Eucharistic Revival events in Indianapolis but want to grow in faith with others? Or wanting to add an "in person" experience to the Congress livestream events? Then come join us for the My Lord & My God on Saturday, July 20, from 10AM - 3PM.
Fred Shellabarger and Kara Kardell will be leading relfections, times of prayer and music during this retreat. Adoration and Confession will also be available.
Lunch will be provided, but registration is needed so we know how many meals to provide. To learn more or to register, go to:

Eucharistic Revival Pilgrimage Event
Kara and Fred will be providing music during the Eucharistic Revival Piligramage, hosted by St Augustine Indian Mission.

Algona, IA Confirmation Retreat
Full day confirmation retreat with High School students

Granville, IA Parish Mission
Fred and Kara will be leading a Lenten Parish Mission at St Joseph Church in Granville, IA. More details coming soon!
The mission will be Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Parish Mission - St Francis de Sales: Ossian, IA
Sunday, March 3
5:00 Light supper/snacks
5:30 Welcome/Talk #1
6:25 Break
6:40 Talk #2
7:25 Discussion/Reflection
7:45 Closing Prayer
Monday, March 4:
Noon: Mass/Adoration (with Praise & Worship Music) with the St. Teresa Middle School students. Open to public.
5:00 Snacks
5:30 Welcome /Talk #1
6:25 Break with Snacks
6:45 Talk #2
7:25 Discussion/Reflection
7:45 Closing Prayer

Carroll, IA Parish Mission
Fred and Kara will be leading a three day parish mission. in conjunction with The Light is on For You. Confessions will be available for an hour before and an hour after their talk each day.

Madrid, IA Confirmation Retreat
Fred and Kara will be leading the young people of Ascension Parish in a Confirmation retreat focused on living out the purpose of the graces of Confirmation: Living out the call to mission and being a witness of the faith in the world. How can young people be witnesses? Evangelize? How can they help to renew the world around them through the joy of the Gospel? This will be the theme for the day. Time for Adoration, Confession, and a time of praise music will also be a part of the retreat.

High School Student Discussion
Fred will be joining high school students in parish faith formation and sharing insights and encouragement to help them in their walk with the Lord and strengthen their faith.

Diocese of Scranton: Women's Retreat
Kara will be providing talks and reflections and leading the women of the Diocese of Scranton on a weekend retreat.
Fred will be assisting with music/praise and worship throughout the weekend.
This event is still being planned! More details to come!

Catechists Gathering
Fred and Kara will be offering a “Mid-Year Huddle” so to speak, for the catechists of St Joseph in Milford and St Mary in Spirit Lake. Drawing from the spirituality and example of St John Bosco, the discussion will center on the balance between “letting kids be kids” and turning their eyes toward the sacred and helping them to enter prayer with the heart of a child.

Sundays on the Cliff
Fred and Kara will be leading students in praise music and reflection during Adoration; followed by Mass after.

Forming Young Adults in Creative Ways
Fred and Kara will be joining Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute webinar series to share from their experience on forming young adults. Time will also be allotted for questions.

Magnificat Meal
Kara will be speaking during this women’s event.
The Conference is hosted by Magnificat: Northwest Iowa Chapter
More details to come!

Parish Retreat
The focus of this retreat will be on discerning your spiritual gifts. In pouring out the Holy Spirit in the the hearts of believers, and through the grace and power of the Sacraments, the Lord has given gifts to the faithful in order to build up the Church (Rom 12; 1 Cor 12; Eph 4). Over the course of this retreat we will explore not only the gifts themselves, but how to discern your own gifts and how to begin to use them in your daily life and apostolate.

Catholic School Presentation: How to Hand on the Faith at Home
Fred will be sharing some tips, from his own family life, on how parents of Catholic school students can hand on their faith at home.

Parish Mission
6:00 Social Time (if you want to do drinks and refreshments, this may be a good time. Especially for folks that may be missing dinner.
6:20 Welcome and Opening Prayer
6:30 I Thirst - Kara
This largely evangelistic and deeply personal talk explores Jesus’ words on the Cross, “I Thirst.” How does the Lord “thirst” for us and for our love in return?
7:20 Discussion/Break
7:35 Come, Follow Me - Fred
This reflection explores Jesus' invitation to follow Him; and the invitation he makes to all of us. What can we learn from the example of the disciples? Why is it important that we “drop our nets” and follow Him?
8:20 Discussion/Break
8:30 Closing prayer and dismissal
6:00 Social Time
6:30 Made for Greatness - Kara
Continuing to build on the themes from the night before, this presentation begins with Pope Benedict: “The world promises you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” Although he spoke these words to young people, there is a profound truth for all the faithful in it. Drawing in the themes of faithfulness, suffering, humility and more, Kara uses Scripture and the lives of a few specific saints to illustrate the “greatness” to which we are all called.
7:20 Break/Discussion
7:35 Abide in Me - Fred
Beginning with Jesus' words in John 15:4-5, this talk explores the meaning of the words, "Abide in me and I in you." What does it mean to abide? Why are the words significant? What does it have to do with following Christ and bearing fruit? Here we will lay a foundation for the final night, rooted in the words, "Abide in Me, and you will bear much fruit."
8:20 Break/Discussion
8:30 Closing prayer and dismissal
6:00 Social Time
6:20 Welcome and Opening Prayer
6:40 Love Builds the Church - Fred
Scripture tells us that in and through the Holy Spirit, the love of God has been poured forth into our hearts. But, who is the Holy Spirit? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church? What does love have to do with this? Drawing from Scripture (especially 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatians 5, as well as reflecting upon the words of the Come, Holy Spirit prayer, Fred offers a reflection on the importance of the Person of the Holy Spirit and our awareness and cooperation with His work in our lives. Yes, it has everything to do with love and bearing fruit!
7:20 Break/Discussion
7:35 Walking in the Spirit - Kara
The capstone talk of the mission, this talk offers a reflection on the phrase “walking in the Spirit.” Rooted in Scripture, this talk will also present an introduction to the New Testament gifts and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church. How has the Lord gifted YOU to help rebuild the Church? That is the focus of this discussion.
8:20 Break/Discussion
8:30 Closing prayer and dismissal

Magnificat of NW Iowa: Women’s Conference
Fred and Kara will be providing praise music during this event.
The Conference is hosted by Magnificat: Northwest Iowa Chapter
More details to come!

Marriage Date Night
Fred and his wife, Krystal, will be presenting, “Stuff They Never Told You in Marriage Preparation.” Joined by Danny and Ashley Swalve, this discussion will look at finding joy in the struggles and living the beauty of marriage in it what can sometimes be the messiness of daily life.
Register here!