I See a Movement
I See a Movement is more than a podcast—it’s a call to action for those passionate about renewing the local parish and reawakening the Church’s mission. In collaboration with friends and colleagues, we share blogs, videos, and inspiring content that sparks hope and empowers leaders to embrace the transformative work of the Holy Spirit.
Through experience, joy, wisdom, and stories of discipleship and evangelization, we explore what it means to lead with faith and trust in God’s plan. Whether you’re a parish leader, a ministry volunteer, or simply someone hungry to see the Church thrive, this podcast will inspire and equip you to take part in the movement toward renewal.
Join us as we share real stories, practical insights, and a vision for the Church’s future rooted in prayer and a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit. Let’s move together toward a Church alive with faith, hope, and love.
Growing in the Art of Discipleship
In our final episode of Season Two, we offer practical insights for anyone who is desirous to begin (or improve) the work of discipleship in their own life. We share recommendations for reading, emphasize the necessity of a receptive spiritual life, and encourage first to look at the life of Jesus.
Discipleship and the Apostolate
We discuss the concept of the personal apostolate, balancing your involvement with parish volunteer life, and how to grow in the confidence and clarity needed to be an thriving disciple.
An Often Forgotten, But Necessary, Component of Discipleship
We discuss the importance of community and culture in reference to discipleship and share stories and examples of ministries that thrive as a result of fostering culture and community as well as lessons learned!
Discipleship Through Parish Programming (or not)?
We discuss the realities of parish programming in the context of discipleship, the role of the parish, and many of the various "lessons learned" as we've assisted parishes in their process of prioritizing discipleship within the pastoral vision of their parish.
Am I a Disciple?
Through the sharing of our own testimonies and experiences of discipleship, we discuss the dichotomy of discipleship in Jesus Christ and discipleship with another person such as a mentor, coach, etc.
Are All Catholics Disciples?
It seems common for individuals to consider and discuss what it means to be a good Catholic, but it being Catholic different than being a disciples? How do we know whether or not we are a disciple?
The Case for Discipleship
Jesus used the model of discipleship to establish and to build His Church. We discuss why the model of discipleship should be a priority in the vision and the life of the Church and why it is so effective.
All Things Discipleship
As we begin this second season, we introduce our theme for our second season…discipleship! We discuss what it means to “do discipleship” and how we become disciples ourselves.
Open Wide the Doors
Along with sharing a little more detail about our new substack platform, we discuss the call of the Great Commission and the work of evangelization in the Church today.
Many Gifts, Same Spirit
We discuss the great gift of the Holy Spirit within the life of the Church, the many gifts that the Spirit bestows on individuals within the Church, and our call to receive these gifts with open hearts.
Hope, Trials and Prayer
In this episode, we discuss the implications of the "movement" which essentially entails recognizing our radical call to holiness. We share ”
Our Call to Radical Holiness
In this episode, we discuss the implications of the "movement" which essentially entails recognizing our radical call to holiness. We share how this radical call is unique to each individuals and reflect on many of the realities of parish life that can often be misleading to individuals desiring to be holy.
Karens Be Gone
No complain shaming! In this episode we discuss our very human tendency toward complaining and the effects it can have on hope as well as whether or not there is value in complaining and what good can come from it. We dissect the difference between useless and harmful complaining versus hopeful considerations. We also discuss the alternatives to complaining that lead us deeper into holiness.
Buoyed by Hope
In our third episode, we explore what it means to be a person of hope and how hope can be a transformative element in the Church and in our own lives. We share about the value of someone working for the Church who has genuine hope versus the more practical gifts in ministry and discuss some of the challenges and temptations that drive us away from hope.
I See a Movement
What is "I See a Movement?" In this episode we share the story of how we discerned the name of this new apostolate. We share how the three of us see a common (but often unnoticed) thread in the Church that brings us great hope and encouragement.
Who Are We? And Why Do We Have a Podcast?
Who are we? Why do we have a podcast? What are we trying to accomplish? How did we come up with such a name? And who is this show for anyway? In this first episode, we introduce ourselves and the podcast. We also share a bit about the common passions and interests that brought us together and how those interests will be shared through this new apostolate!