Apologetics PART 2: Creation, Aliens, & Purgatory
In the 4-part apologetics series, Fred and Kara take up more difficult Catholic questions like: creation, aliens, the Eucharist, Confession, and Purgatory.
Questions answered in this episode:
1. What do Catholic (have to) believe about Creation? Evolution? 7-literal days?
2. Aliens
3. Where is the Eucharist in the Bible?
4. Why do you confess your sins to a priest?
5. Where is Purgatory in the Bible?
Episodes/Links mentioned in this episode:
Bible Basics for Catholics (book)
"Giving the Vineyard to Others" -- episode on priesthood
My Lord and My God episodes about Eucharist:
"I am the Bread of Life" --John 6
"As you did in Egypt" -- Passover
Spelling correction: "phagate"--eat as though to eat a meal. "tropien" -- gnaw
Questions to come in this series (Part 3):
1. The bible is all you need; why don't Catholic believe in Sola Scripture (the bible alone)?
2. Where is the papacy in Scripture? How does he have authority?
3. What is the rapture? Will it happen? Do Catholics believe in it?
4. How can anyone believe Jesus actually rose from the dead?
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