Come, Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit? Why is a relationship with Him so important? In Scripture, Christ promises the gift of the Holy Spirit, the love of God poured out into our hearts (Rom 5:5). He is Comforter, Teacher, Counselor and Guide. In Acts 15, when the Church is faced with a difficult decision, they seek Him in prayer, trusting in Christ’s promise that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide in all truth. There we hear the phrase, “It seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit.” How can we come to a place where we also can say this about our decisions and our daily lives? How can we learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? How can we experience his promptings in our daily lives? What does this have to do with the love of God? And how has God gifted you in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth? We will discuss all these things in this episode!

We mention the “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit” in this episode. These are commonly emphasized in preparation for Confirmation. We love how the Baltimore Catechism describes these gifts:

"The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to catch the breath of the Holy Spirit, moving the ship of our soul much faster and farther than we could ever sail it by using the virtues ourselves. For example, we can use the virtue of faith by making an act of faith. But to use this virtue constantly, being aware of God's presence in us and about us at all times, is more than we can do ourselves unless the Holy Spirit does it in us. Likewise, we can make an act of love. But to love our enemies for God's sake and to be willing to die for them, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHICH OUR SHIP CATCHES BY UNFOLDING THE SAILS OF THE GIFTS, ENABLES US TO DO EVEN THINGS THAT ARE HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE. IT IS THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE SOULS OF THE SAINTS THAT EXPLAIN THE SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE THINGS IN THEIR LIVES" (our emphasis added).

These seven gifts are largely aimed at our own growth in holiness:

  1. Wisdom helps us to see the world through the lens of God’s truth.

  2. Understanding is the ability to grasp the truths of our faith.

  3. Knowledge helps you to understand the meaning and purpose God has for you and to actually live up this meaning.

  4. Counsel is also known as “right judgement.” It is the ability to follow God’s plan in our choices and decisions.

  5. Fortitude is also known as “courage.” It is the gift to stand up for what is true and right.

  6. Piety helps us worship God with true devotion and love.

  7. Fear of the Lord aids someone to have wonder and awe at God.

You can read more about the New Testament (charismatic) gifts in:

  • Romans 12

  • 1 Corinthians 12

  • Ephesians 4

Want to learn more or dive deeper? We highly recommend the series, The Wild Goose by Fr Dave Pivonka, TOR. You can find it here.

Learn about Lizzie Tecklenburg here.

Prayers to the Holy Spirit written by Fred and Kara:

Come, Holy Spirit and move upon the waters of my heart. Create in me a new heart - a clean heart! Renew in me a steadfast spirit that I may never be cast from your presence. God who is love, fill me so full of that love that it may overflow into the hearts of all those around me. Lord, God Almighty, help me to love better, to love stronger, to love deeper, to love more fully like yourself. Holy Spirit, God who is love, help me to love well. Amen.

Come, Holy Spirit. Inspire our thoughts. Guide our words and direct our actions. May all of these serve to build your kingdom in our hearts, in our homes, in our relationships, and in the world around us. Lord, Jesus Christ, as you call us out upon the water, may the Holy Spirit fill us anew, baptize us with fresh fire, and give us the courage to keep our eyes on you in the midst of every storm. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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Draw Near Theme © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell


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