At Draw Near, we explore the beautiful truth that God, out of His deep and personal love for each of us, takes the first step to draw near. But this divine movement calls for a response—a response that shapes our lives and transforms our hearts. Together, we embark on this journey of faith, discovering the many ways God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit work within us.
Rooted in the Catholic faith, our podcast is a space where authenticity meets joy. We’re two best friends navigating life, family, and faith with honesty, humility, and a lot of love. Each episode is a heartfelt conversation—sometimes deep, sometimes lighthearted, but always real. We strive to be vulnerable, faithful, and passionate, sharing insights and stories to inspire you on your path toward Christ.
This is more than a podcast; it’s a shared journey toward sainthood. So come laugh with us, reflect with us, and grow with us as we Draw Near to God and one another. Let’s set out together on this adventure of faith, friendship, and grace.
Listen below to the most RECENT EPISODE:
Redemptive Suffering
In this short episode, we welcome a friend and well-known Catholic speaker, Matthew Leonard. We had a great conversation with him about love, prayer, the interior life, and suffering. As a follow-up to our "Willingness to Suffer" episode, we wanted to share the audio from the short portion of our discussion regarding suffering. We hope you enjoy!
Willingness to Suffer
Jesus tells us narrow and difficult is the path that leads to life. Does this mean we will naturally experience hardships and suffering?
What is the cause of suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? Does God even ASK us to suffering? Find out...