Toni Hendricks

Toni holds a MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a BA in Social Work from the University of Portland. She has a passion for helping people and began her career in the field of children’s mental health. When she was considering graduate programs, God called her to study theology and become a catechist. During graduate school, she became involved with R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), later becoming the director and serving the area priests in helping form individuals in their faith for close to ten years.  While she treasured this work, she stepped away from this role as God was calling her to a new adventure; one that seems to be unfolding. Toni and her husband, Jason, live in Steubenville, OH with their six beautiful children. Today, you’re most likely to find her in a stadium or on a field cheering on her children and looking for opportunities to share God’s love and build community.