An Offer

There are a lot of debates currently happening in our country due to a leaked potential Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade. Some of these debates are more philosophically grounded than others, some don’t even attempt to start from a place of reason. There’s a place for such discussions, but I really don’t want to add to the overwhelming noise, so here’s what my response is to all the emotional and political chaos:

I'm not going to give you reasons or debates on the matter of children in the womb, all I have is an offer: if you ever find yourself facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy and are struggling to keep yourself and your baby afloat and thriving, send me a dm, text me, I'll do what I can. 

I'll call every person I've ever had a $5 cup of coffee with and ask if they'll give up the next four cups for a friend of mine, I'll call every "pro-life" person I know and tell them it's time to back their beliefs and help pay for your prenatal care or diapers or counseling or your rent or formula or hospital bills. 

I'll do my best to listen to you in the hardest moments and be part of your village so that you don't have to choose between your future and your baby's future. 

Five mamas who I've never met gave five of my siblings life. They're unsung heroes who I'll never be able to repay, but perhaps I could walk with another young mom and help her nourish and nurture her growing baby's life. 

Sure there might be important decisions happening in the courts, but I think the most important decisions are being made in some painful moments in the hearts of young women. No one should feel alone or ashamed in this. I'll do whatever I can for you.

That was my social media post a few days ago, perhaps someone will see it and reach out someday. Perhaps they won’t. But, at the end of the day, if every young woman in your life, your daughters, your nieces, your coworkers, your barista, your nurse, your child’s teacher, the woman in the back pew of your church knew you were someone they could approach when they’re at their breaking point, the courts might not have to end abortion, we could.


It is the decision of the Holy Spirit…


Politics is Not Your God