To the End of the Street

Thought I would share a little bit from our "I Believe in Love" book study. Responding to the questions, "How would you describe your relationship with God?" and "How is God calling you to grow closer to Him?" This was my answer...

“There are moments when he seems so close, so intimate, I am absolutely overwhelmed by His presence; by His grace. He is the closest friend. And yet there remains seasons where he seems so distant and quiet. I know He is there! But its harder to remember that at times.

I picture it almost like learning to ride a bike. Even more than learning how to walk. For me it seems a better example. There are moments where He runs right alongside me as I pedal. We laugh! I know He has great joy in this; even more than I do. As I get the hang of it, he lets me go on my own a bit. Down to the end of the street. I hear Him cheering me on, but His voice grows more faint as I go along. I know he is there though. I just have to remember to turn back around and come back to him. We do it again, and again.

Until one day, He takes those training wheels off. Despite my hesitation, despite my fear, He says it's time. As He helps me on, holding the bike steady, I start to peddle. Just like before, we both seem to be overcome with joy when I get the hang of it. He's my best friend. My Father. He believes in me. He won't let me fall. Then suddenly I realize, He's behind me and I am heading down the street. Just like he told me before. Still, I'm afraid. This is different, isn't it? But I hold on to the joy we shared; and I keep going. Peddling my heart out; knowing that my Father, my Friend, has even more confidence in me than I probably have in Him.

But, also just like before, when I get to the end of the street, I have to remember to turn around and go back to Him. To hear His voice; to know His love. For the strength, the confidence, the grace to go even further. I have not yet learned, really, how to ride the bike. Only how to ride to the end of the street. If I go further without Him, it only gets harder. I only grow more afraid. So, I peddle to the end of the street, knowing that I must turn around again. The closer I get to the end of the street His voice grows quieter and He seems more distant; but I know He is there. Much more, I know from experience that if I fall, He will be there to catch me; no matter how far He may seem at the time.

Lord, how I look forward to turning around again. But I keep peddling. Knowing that you are there. I believe in your love for me. I believe in my love for you.”

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Its a self paced study! I know its a busy time of year. But, please consider joining us!


My Journey of Faith


It is the decision of the Holy Spirit…