Draw Near Blog

Motherhood, Mary Kara Kardell Motherhood, Mary Kara Kardell

Motherhood: Mary and Me

I held her in my arms and went over to sit in the pew; when asked what I needed prayers I said, “that I could be a good mom.”

This image (bottom of the page) of Mary and Jesus hangs in the entrance of my home. I have never seen another image of the two of them that I relate to more. From the second I laid my eyes on it, it reminded me of a hard time in my life.
When our first child was 5 months old I started wondering how on earth I could be a good mom? How can I live out what God calls me to? This interior struggle fell during a particularly stressful week leading Totus Tuus training for our diocese… which meant I hadn’t seen my daughter for nearly 6 days. I missed her and my husband; I felt like I was neglecting my primary vocation as a wife and mother; I was exhausted and feeling inadequate.
At adoration during training week, I decided to bring my daughter along. Towards the end, the deacon asked if I would like him and our missionaries to pray over me. I held her in my arms and went over to sit in the pew; when asked what I needed prayers I said, “that I could be a good mom.”
There were many hands laid on me while I cradled my child just as Mary cradles Jesus in this image. But there was only one hand I could focus on… as a few tears rolled down my face staring at my daughter, she reached her hand up to touch my cheek. It was as if she was trying to reassuring me. When I saw this image one month later, it brought back that beautiful moment between mother and daughter.
What does this have to do with Mary? I looked at the image and wondered… could she have thought the same things I did? “How can I do this? How can I be the mother of God? Will I be able to carry out what God has planned for me?” Here, I imagine Jesus comforting his Mother exactly as my child comforted me. God set aside his most perfect creation to be his own Mother. There is no doubt that in her humanity, God brought her great comfort for the task set aside for her. Remember… God does this for each of us, too!

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