Draw Near Blog

Suffering, Testimony Fred Shellabarger Suffering, Testimony Fred Shellabarger

So Be It

In this world there is so much hurt, so many wounds. Yet, we are not alone in our suffering. So many share our same experiences. We know that Christ, the Divine Physician, is present wherever two or three are gathered in his name…

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God's Love Kate Boyce God's Love Kate Boyce

The Baptism of Jesus and Feeling Seen

During Mass, I talked to the Lord about it: “Jesus, I feel so oddly seen during this Mass. Between Father’s prayer and David’s hug, I get that they appreciate me, but it’s a little extravagant.” In a way that only He could, the Lord answered my worry and called me back to focus on the Eucharistic prayer with a gentle reminder to my heart…

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Mission, St. Andrew Kate Boyce Mission, St. Andrew Kate Boyce

“And He Stayed With Him That Day”

Andrew ran from the cross once. He was one of eleven disciples not present for Jesus’ Passion and death on the cross. For whatever reason, maybe fear, disappointment, sadness, or shame, Andrew was not at Calvary as Jesus died for him and for each of us. Andrew’s story of following the Lord began with “and he stayed with Him that day.” Yet on this most important day, Andrew was nowhere to be found.

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Gospel, Mission, God's Love Kate Boyce Gospel, Mission, God's Love Kate Boyce

An Invitation

“Finally, she asked about my relationship with Jesus. I was a little confused. I had already told her I go to Mass often, that I prayed pretty often, that I didn’t drink as much as my friends did. Then, she put so simply, what I knew I had been often missing or over complicating…”

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