Draw Near Blog

EmmaLee Miklosovic EmmaLee Miklosovic

The Resurrection is not the End

The Resurrection is not the End! It is only the beginning. There is more to come!

Check out this blog written by EmmaLee Miklosovic

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EmmaLee Miklosovic EmmaLee Miklosovic

Good Friday - Your Wedding Day

My relationship with Jesus changed drastically when I learned the way Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross parallels with an ancient Jewish wedding. When I first started reading the Broken Way by Anne Voskamp, she talked about what a traditional ancient Jewish proposal looked like, and how the father of the man would pour a chalice of wine and offer it to his son who would offer it to the woman he was to marry and he would say “This cup is a new covenant in my blood which I offer to you.”

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EmmaLee Miklosovic EmmaLee Miklosovic

Finding Myself: My Thoughts on Personal Vocation

One of my favorite assignments from college was, believe it or not, a final. It was an open book and open note final, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it was easy… The assignment was to reflect on “Jesus’s Temptations”… I spent hours reading this passage and finding how it connects to each part of my faith and that 6 hours changed my life…

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EmmaLee Miklosovic EmmaLee Miklosovic

Entering the Desert

One of my favorite assignments from college was, believe it or not, a final. It was an open book and open note final, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it was easy… The assignment was to reflect on “Jesus’s Temptations”… I spent hours reading this passage and finding how it connects to each part of my faith and that 6 hours changed my life…

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Fred Shellabarger Fred Shellabarger

To the End of the Street

There are moments where He runs right alongside me as I pedal. We laugh! I know He has great joy in this; even more than I do. As I get the hang of it, he lets me go on my own a bit. Down to the end of the street. I hear Him cheering me on, but His voice grows more faint as I go along. I know he is there though. I just have to remember to…

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Fred Shellabarger Fred Shellabarger

It is the decision of the Holy Spirit…

Hard times and uncertainty. Difficulty, confusion, and disagreement among the faithful in how to respond and move forward in these times is nothing new in the life of the Church. The book of Acts makes this abundantly clear…

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Kate Boyce Kate Boyce

An Offer

Sure there might be important decisions happening in the courts, but I think the most important decisions are being made in some painful moments in the hearts of young women. No one should feel alone or ashamed in this. I'll do whatever I can for you…

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Holiness, Joy Kara Kardell Holiness, Joy Kara Kardell

Politics is Not Your God

The world is not your religion; politics is not your God.  

We see something that goes against our views on Facebook and have to comment or argue, but you cannot change hearts! Allowing the noise of the world to become to noise within our hearts is not what God desires. Renewal and conversion of hearts will not come through laws but through…

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